Friday, February 24, 2012

On Homophobia

Homophobia baffles me. I understand the cause behind racism and sexism, even ageism, as those tend to have measurable social connotations. While they're still destructive, dehumanizing and morally abhorrent, I understand where they come from. It makes sense that they exist.

But homophobia confounds me. I couldn't give any less of a shit about what my neighbors do in their bedroom. I can't be bothered to care. If somebody likes things in their ass, or prefers the company of girls over boys, or vice versa, it means absolutely nothing to me.

I think homophobia can be countered with a simple question. Now, whether or not the bigoted prick you're talking to actually thinks about the question or answers with a cogent reply is another story entirely. Simply ask them: Why do you give a shit? Why does it matter to you?

Why the fuck do you care? It's not your asshole that is being dilated. It's someone elses. It's not your vagina that's getting another vagina mushed against it, it's someone elses.

Gay people aren't trying to take away straight sex, or ban straight marriages. They just want to have gay sex, go on gay dates and get gay married. Once they can do that without being beaten to death by a Jesus-slave-turbotard, they can finally drop the 'gay' prefix and just call it sex, dating and marriage.

Mind your own fucking business.
